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684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

(+55) 654 - 545 - 1235

Non Formal Vocational Education

One of the aspects of capability enhancement is basically through education. TSSS concerned about the education of the unfortunate section of the people, especially those who are backward educationally and intellectually, which is carried out through Supplementary education, Quality Education and Nursery education programmes. TSSS is also committed to enhancing the work skills and life skills of youth, to include the excluded from the mainstream education system. To achieve these objectives TSSS has a few programmes like Vocational and skill development. 22 supplementary centres are being operated in 4 regions. It lends helping hands to those pupils who are unable to pay high tuition fee and do not have a pleasant atmosphere at their homes. Students are also made aware of the child rights and safety instructions. Once in three months, the teachers gather at central level for reporting and evaluation. They are also given training on various subjects like POCSO, craftwork, nursery rhymes and personality development. The Supplementary teachers are supported with partial financial assistance for their voluntary service.

Nursery Education

The nursery centres focus on developing the talents of the children along with child-friendly learning. Teachers give special attention to ensure a peaceful and pleasant atmosphere in the nurseries. 22 nurseries are functioning under the guidance and help of TSSS. Centres are also given maintenance and noon feeding grant. Teaches gathered once in three months for reporting and evaluation. They are also given training occasionally.

Quality Education Programme

Quality education programme was initiated in those villages who were ready to accompany children and improve the quality of education, health and creativity of the children. The mentors of the centre analyze the strength and weakness of the pupil, and encourage their talents and help them to rectify their weakness with the help of experts and parents.

Vocational and Skill Development

Vocational and Skill Development programmes are done through various training institutions under TSSS. Computer training, functional vocational training, and industrial training are focused in these centres. TSSS is also has a finishing school in collaboration with SkillSonic, Bangalore which provides Euro-Swiss standard courses.