Ensure Social Protection

ESP is emerging as a platform where the marginalized and downtrodden from Kerala and various parts of India finds opportunities to become empowered. It enables the marginalized to become aware of their rights and helps them to assert their rights and entitlements. Through this project we reach out to 3000 families and they are divided into 20 clusters, consisting of 150 families from each cluster 3 community leaders are identified and given training. Its aim is to capacitate beneficiaries to access entitlements and capacitate local leaders. It helps them to generate local resources. Involvement with Panchayat and gramasabhas gives special vigour and life to ESP.  As a result ESP leaders are getting elected into panchayat bodies. ESP is also an integrated community  development programme in the pockets/villages/slums to help them live with dignity and enjoy peace and harmony with all. They also generate Federations of ESP to work on Right to Education Act. (RTE).

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