
Ensuring good health and hygiene in the coastal zone and the marginalized of the society is the goal of the health activities. We train health club members and student volunteers in order to boost them up as resource persons to give necessary awareness about cancer and other life threatening diseases. Every year we reach out to around 21000 people through various health care activities.

Health Activities

Empowerment of Differently abled

Special care is provided for differently abled children by conducting early detection camps, counselling for children and their parents, nutritious food kits and hygiene kits and providing aids and appliances. 2300 people have been included in various government schemes and with the help of other organizations, they have been able to get benefits. TSSS runs a rehabilitation centre (Mother Theresa Day Care Centre) for the differently-abled.

General Health Activities

General Health activities included different medical camps like Dental, Eye, Skin, Ayurveda and Homeopathi. In the camp conducted with the help of CHC/PHC/Government and Private Hospitals, Every year around 7000 people get the opportunity to access tratment for their diseases. Important medical days are celebrated at the regional level.

Ashakiranam Cancer Care

Asakiranam Cancer Care Project aims to create a self-reliant community which enables to take preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of cancer disease. Through this project, we conduct detection camps, give support for patients and counseling, days of observance, volunteer promotion and organic farming. Through this campaign, 5,838 cancer patients were provided medical and psychological Support.

Home-based palliative care

We give special care to the 896 bedridden patients of nine areas by visiting their families and distributing food kits and including palliative care with the support of CHC/VHV/Palliam India.

RTI/STI/UTI/ Awareness, counselling and follow-up

Collaboration with FHC/CHC conducts Vayomitram camps, awareness regarding contagious diseases and providing medicines, screening of RTI/STI/UTI cases in camps. It has been possible to give classes on healthy life style at school/college level and in various forums, around 5,076 participants have been able to take advantage of it.

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