Capacity Building is entrusted with the task of human resource development through meetings, discussions, seminars, workshops and trainings in tri-level for social service workers and members and staff members. Activities are monitored and evaluated in tri -tier system. Encourage the volunteers to support day today activities of TSSS.
Empowering Skills & Knowledge
Ensuring Participation for Development
With the aim of ensuring 100% participation in gram sabhas training classes are being given to people in panchayati Raj system, gram sabha, working committee ,project preparation, Development seminar etc. Through these training programmes people are encouraged to participate in the gram sabha and plan their projects and present them in gramasabhas.
P.S.C Coaching
With the aim of empowering the youth and ensuring their participation in Government Departments Public Service Commission (PSC) coaching classes are being conducted every Saturday.
Trainings & Meetings
As part of streamlining social service systems, activities are planned and implemented according to the plan and budget including executive meeting, governing body, and general body meetings at village , region and central level.