Rehabilitation Centres Of Trivandrum Social Service Society

The Rehabilitation Centers of the Trivandrum Social Service Society offer holistic support and empowerment to individuals facing various challenges, including physical disabilities, addiction, and socio-economic hardships. Through tailored programs and interventions, these centers provide essential services such as vocational training, counseling, healthcare, and community integration initiatives, fostering personal growth and societal inclusion. With a compassionate approach and multidisciplinary support, the Rehabilitation Centers strive to empower individuals to lead fulfilling lives and contribute positively to their communities.

Mother Theresa Day Care Centre

Following the foot step of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, this Institution works for the uplift of people, who are poor and most neglected, especially the differently abled children with cerebral palsy and other related disabilities from among them. We have attended 220 differently abled children with severe, moderate and profound challenges.

Sadhana Renewal Centre

We give care for the mentally challenged, especially those wandering in the streets, market places and transport stations and provide spiritual, psychological and physical assistance towards the integral welfare collaborating with Governmental and non-Governmental agencies. We give assistance to the families of the inmates especially through counseling and guidance.

Divyasanthi Ashram

DivyaSanthi Ashram established in 1995, is a home for the destitute and of mental illness. This centre lends helping hand to the people who are being disregarded and out casted from their families cater and care for their physical, mental and psychological health. The Centre provides food, shelter and medical aid.

Karuna Nivas

Karuna Nivas is a short stay home for the women and girls in distress. TSSS empower and enable them to start a new life. We give shelter, food, education, character formation and personality development for the integral growth of the girl children in distress and abandoned.

Ashwas Bhavan

The Ashwas Bhavan is a community rehabilitation and reintegration centre with a capacity of 50-60 patients. All of them are men with mental illness and whose care and social autonomy have been compromised.

Prateeksha I.R.C.A. Deaddiction Centre

The Pratheeksha de-addiction centre was established in the year 1995 for the rehabilitation of the alcohol addicts. Due to the reputation of the centre in the field of de-addiction, patients from all other districts of Kerala and patients from Mumbai, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Male approach the centre for the treatment. Every year 200 patients undergo treatment and are rehabilitated.